Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 12 – A picture of something you love

OooOoo, almost forgot!

Since I have limited time I am taking the easy way out for today. I love cheese. Not weird smelly cheese, but nice normal mozza, cheddar, Parmesan, feta, haloom. Just tasty tasty cheese. And because of this and my utter lack of self-control--I have quit cheese. The deal I made (with myself) is that I get one 'cheese cheat day' a month, outside the house. I was going to just quit it totally but I think it would be an empty life with no cheese. So far I have gone since December 8th, except for my cheat day which was yesterday. Mmmm, Auntie Liz's macaroni..

I need to get healthier. I don't want to be a fat mom. I want to be able to be more active with Ricky as he gets older. If it takes quitting cheese then that is the price I am willing to take. After a year then I will reassess and see if I feel comfortable adding cheese back into my diet.

Oh, and come New Years I am quitting junk food (chips, cookies, candies) except for three cheat days a month.


  1. Wow... you go hot momma!! I was going to quit coke zero, and I've cut back tremendously, but not completely. With lack of sleep and being sick the 2 or 3 weeks, I found damn near impossible... but the cut back has gone great. I've gone from 6 or 7 a day down to 1 or 2, it's HUGE difference! So come the new year, I'm gonna quit for sure. We'll see how THAT goes, but I think I'll be a little more up for it after the holidays. ;)

  2. That's great, Megan! But I think the thing you love most is Ricky because you are doing it for him - and for yourself. Cheat days work well for that kind of thing, I find. Trouble is I love most food and we have to eat to live!!
