Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 10 – A picture of someone you do the craziest things with

REVISED-see bottom

Okay, seriously. I don't do crazy things anymore. So because I can't think of any crazy things I have done is a picture of a cute baby to distract:

He is waiting for your call..

Revised as I blanked.

This is my dear friend and god-sister Mel. (we share the same god mother so we are god sisters obviously). We have only actually known each other for the last couple of years but we bonded quickly over our love of Geek and our Love of The Habs! The last two years we have gone to ComiCon together, gotten our pictures taken (separately) with Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. I can't think of anything crazier than getting a one-armed hug from Spock. Seriously...he TOUCHED me!

She is gorgeous, she is smart, she is funny, she is crafty, she cooks (I think she is actually the daughter my mother always wanted), she is kind, she is evil and she is one of my closest friends. And is a seester to me.

Oh, and here she is trying to eat my tasty tasty brains as we waited in a very very long line to get our pictures with Spock... In the Star Trek uniforms that she made for us. She also has plans in place for the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse


  1. You NEED to do crazy things sometimes, Megan! Don't get all serious just because you had a baby!

  2. I thought of putting a picture of Mike up as having a baby is pretty crazy but Mike prefers that he isn't on the blog so that was a no go.


  3. Mike needs to preserve his anonymity for his under cover work, understandable.
