Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 32 – A picture of what you (we-Ricky and I) did today

So we had a busy busy day today. Lots of exciting going-on's.

Ricky went down for bed last night at 7:30PM and woke up at 2:15 for his middle-of-the-evening meal. Back to bed by 2:30AM and then he woke up at 6:30. I was not having any of that and brought him into bed with me to snuggle/sleep a bit longer. Out of bed at 8:30. Much better.

After getting Ricky fed some breakfast (he does so love his multi-grain cheerios) we popped across the hall so we could spend sometime with Poppa. Poppa is awesome with his namesake. Ricky likes to crawl over to Poppa's chair, pull himself up and stare at Poppa until he makes funny noises at him. And, of course, the 'play with the dentures' game that I'm sure all the Beck grandkids remember.

Ricky also loves spending time with his GrandMer. Here they are (a few days ago actually) looking out the window at the horses.

And now a trip into Brockville to drop Auntie Suey off at Angelo's overnight, lunch at the mall and then grocery shopping. Ricky had a blast in the sheep pen. I would pick him up, drop him in and he would wriggle his way towards the bottom of the box laughing hysterically.

Back to The Farm, naptime for everyone. Well, everyone except me. I enjoyed some nice solitude while the entire household napped. Nice.

And now suppertime. Mom and I picked up pizza in town so Ricky got some ground beef and rice. And his mixed veg 'wet-food' (I am amused by calling pureed baby food 'wet food'). The cats and dogs weren't sure about Ricky when we first got here but they quickly learned that under his chair is the place to be during mealtime. Or in the case of Baby Boy (Pong), on his tray is even better. Good thing Ricky likes to share.

And now it is almost 8:30PM and Ricky has been asleep for an hour. Life is exciting here at The Farm, early to bed early to rise and all that. Time for me to go have a beer!