Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 28 – A picture of your favorite place in the world

So I was going to take a picture of my bed as I have been wanting to spend more time there this last week what with the evil plague sickness going through my house, but Mike is currently sleeping in it and I don't think he would be okay with me waking him up to 'stage' it. Since the deal is that he gets to sleep for a few more hours and then I get a nap, I'm not going to disturb him..

This is Poppa's Farm. Or, my parents place. We moved here when I was 11. I moved out when I was 18. I would never want to live there again (I'm not a country dweller) but I love to visit.
(I do realize this is a short crappy blog but I don't care. I am still very sick, and very whiny, and very tired and I just don't have the energy for extend-O-blog)


  1. Don't apologize, lol. At least you're doing it. Feel better.

  2. Well done. Now that feeling of accomplishment can help you fell better. Nagging works!
