Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 26 – A picture of something that means a lot to you

This is a small amount of my family (circa early-to-mid 90's I think). My mom is the oldest of 11 which means I have many many aunts, uncles and cousins. I think at last count there was about 50 'immediate relatives'. Which doesn't include the various second cousins, great aunts and uncles and so on, who I'm also close with.

Its an amazing loving, crazy, good-hearted, nicely evil family I have and I love them all. My Poppa, Arthur Richard being the oldest and my son, Richard Arthur Michael being the youngest. I can't imagine having grown up in any other family.

We might all be all over the world now (from all over Canada, to the States, Thailand, Germany, soon to be Egypt and Korea) but we stay close with Facebook and Skype.


  1. beautiful, xox
    what does poppa's sign say??

  2. The sign says 'Sue'. She was missing from the picture so they made a Fake Suey. Looks like Gwenne isn't in there either tho..

  3. Why does the Feedjit think that I am in Bangkok when I'm at work and in Phuket when I am at home? My school is five minutes from my house. Bangkok is 500 km North and Phuket is 200 km West of me. It's weird.
