Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 35 – A picture of your hometown

So, it's been awhile actually.  I actually got to this 'Day' and realized I didn't know what 'hometown' to put.  Do I put where I was born-Montreal, which is where I say I'm 'from' when people ask? I tell people that I was born in Montreal but raised in Quebec and Ontario.  Or do I put Brockville (or more precisely, half an hour outside Brockville) where I lived from age 10 til 25 when I started moving around the country.  Finally settling here in Calgary for the last 7 years.  

I decided to go with Brockville.  This is right off King Street.  You can't see it but I used to live up and to the left of this road.  

I can't see myself ever living in Ontario again, and certainly never living in Brockville.  It was okay while I lived there but now that I have explored this great country of ours, Brockville is just way too sleepy for me.